What is a Finance Loan?
Finance loans involve the transfer of money between parties with an agreement to repay it back later – often including interest. They may either be secured or unsecured loans.
Secured loans require borrowers to present collateral such as their car or house as security for the loan, with interest rates often being lower and strict borrowing limits in place.
The Lender
Lenders are individuals or institutions who provide you with loans for various reasons and expect repayment with interest on an agreed schedule. Lenders could include banks or credit unions as well as family, friends or specialized institutions.
Before approving or denying your loan application, lenders assess your creditworthiness and debt levels before making their decision. Lenders typically look for at least some cash available, along with a credit score above a certain threshold; additionally they want to ensure you can repay both principal plus any associated finance charges or interest costs in full and on time.
Dependent upon the type of loan, you may be required to submit an extensive array of documentation about yourself and your business. This could include personal financial statements, breakeven analyses or cash flow budgets. Our Tools & Forms section contains templates of such documents which you can use in preparing a comprehensive loan application package.
The Borrower
Financially speaking, a loan refers to any transfer of resources between two parties with an agreement that they will be returned over a certain time frame plus interest. Lenders can include individuals, businesses, banks and other financial institutions.
Loans typically are secured with collateral such as a car or house, although other types include student, mortgage and payday loans as well as personal and credit card loans and commercial bonds.
Borrowers must submit formal applications and certain documents, including financial data. A lender then evaluates these to assess whether the borrower can repay their loan in full without incurring late payments that could damage their credit score. Lenders should carefully conduct these evaluations otherwise they risk lending money to those unable to do so and/or making late payments that damage their own score.
The Contract
As with any contract between two parties, such as technology privacy policies or service agreements, loan contracts contain terms and conditions that outline each party’s responsibilities – such as how funds will be spent, interest payments applicable and collateral requirements (if any). It is essential that both lender and borrower read carefully the parts dealing with legal compliance and statutory restrictions because failing to do so could result in costly fines being assessed to both sides.
Consideration should also be given to whether or not the loan is demand or fixed; this will impact how quickly and for how much notice repayment can be expected from lenders. Furthermore, terms like the severability clause and choice of law are key – these determine what happens if certain conditions become unenforceable in court of law, ultimately saving both parties time and money by helping avoid costly errors.
The Payment
Finance loans usually have a payment schedule; depending on the terms of agreement, payments may be monthly or yearly. A finance loan often relies on collateral being pledged as security – this makes the loan non-recourse since if repayment fails the lender can only collect what’s owed off of collateral alone.
Tiered loans – Tiered loans are a method of lending that classifies debtors according to their credit risk, charging more prone borrowers with higher-risk profiles a higher interest rate than less risky counterparts.
Demand loans are designed for use between people with established relationships, such as friends and family members. They allow short-term borrowing without collateral requirements; demand loans may also be offered by professional lenders such as banks. Repayment typically falls due at maturity; however, with advanced notice this schedule can be reduced further. Loan participation loans allow multiple lenders to share in loan funds.